Transactions of the Mycological Society of India

The word Kavaka represents the Sanskrit word for fungus. Kavaka is the official journal of the Mycological Society of India. Kavaka is an international journal and publishes peer-reviewed, original articles and reviews on all aspects of mycology.




KAVAKAā€¯ being the Transactions of the Mycological Society of India, was started in the year 1973 as the official publication of Mycological Society of India at Centre for Advanced Study in Botany, University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The word 'Kavaka' represents the Sanskrit name for 'fungus'. It is an International Journal of Mycology which is being published twice a year, in June and December by the Editor-in-Chief on behalf of the Mycological Society of India from the Department of Botany, Punjabi University, Patiala-147 004, Punjab, India. All the back volumes of the journal published till date are available for free access at and Kavaka publishes peer-reviewed, original articles and reviews on various aspects of mycology and plant pathology including conventional taxonomy, molecular taxonomy, phylogeny, diversity, ecology, physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, and applied aspects of mycology and plant pathology.

Mycological Society of India is a scientific body constituted for the advancement of subject of mycology, the study of fungi including mushrooms, molds, truffles, yeasts, lichens, plant pathogens, and medically important fungi. The Society was founded in January 1973 by a team of mycologists lead by Professor C.V. Subramanian, former Director, C.A.S. in Botany, University of Madras, Chennai, India and Former President of International Mycological Association, with a view to bring together mycologists of the country and with the broad objectives of promoting development of Mycology in India in all its aspects and in the widest perspective.

There are more than 400 members, including professional and upcoming mycologists with varied interests including taxonomy, ecology, pathology, genetics, molecular biology and physiology. The international members are also encouraged to join in the Society. All the Life members receive a subscription copy of the Journal of KAVAKA published under the aegis of Mycological Society of India.



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Serial # 293

NAAS Rating 2020: 5.30

Serial # 2060 JmID:K001

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